Learn How A Marriage Counselor Can Help You And Your Spouse After The Loss Of A Child

Losing a child can be a very difficult thing to handle emotionally. Such a significant loss is handled differently by every person who goes through the horrible tragedy. If you and your spouse recently lost a child, it is important to go to marriage counseling as soon as you possibly can to ensure that both of you handle the loss of your child as constructively as possible. The following guide walks you through a few ways the counseling may be able to help you and your spouse. Read More 

Teaching Responsibility: The Use Of Natural & Logical Consequences

Raising children is a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be difficult. Discipline is one of the most difficult aspects of parenting and also one of the most important. Below is an outline of natural consequences, a discipline technique encouraged by parents and child professionals alike, as well as an overview of logical consequences, a technique used in situations where natural consequences won't work.  What are Natural Consequences? Read More 

5 Natural Tips For Treating Depression

Living with anxiety and depression can be challenging. Dealing with these negative emotions all of the time can really decrease the overall quality of your life. It's ideal to find ways to alleviate these feelings as much as possible on your own. By knowing some of the natural ways to help reduce your depression, this may be helpful to you. Tip #1: Stick to a routine Getting through the day can be challenging if you suffer from depression. Read More 

How To Keep Your Anxiety Under Control While You Are Applying To College

When you are applying to college, it might seem like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Where you go to college could potentially determine the type of job you get, the amount of money you make, the types of friends that you make, and the level of happiness that you experience. It's a huge decision, and for people with anxiety, it can be a torturous one. If you have anxiety, here are some tips for keeping it under control while you are applying to colleges in order to make sure that you do the best that you possibly can. Read More 

Your Home Was Burglarized? 2 Ways To Keep The Stress From Affecting Your Marriage

If your home was recently burglarized, then the negative emotions your spouse and you have may have led to endless bickering since the event. While you both may know that neither of you are to blame for the event, one of you may be pointing fingers at the other for not locking the door or not agreeing with the other who had mentioned needing a home security system in the past. Read More